the search continues...

Friday, February 18, 2005

Matthew 3:36 Fast Food

The Ghanain attitude to religion is often funny - especially the way they name their businesses! Some other favourites so far are "God's Way Sharpening" and "Jesus is Mine Comm. Centre".

I'm starting to get into the food here a bit more, although I haven't yet tried Goat Light Soup, and have deliberately avoided something called Kenke, which is a kind of dough made from fermented grain and apparently tastes disgusting. But the red-red (sauce made from black-eyed beans, tomato and chilli and served with fried plaintain) is really good and palava, a garlicy spinachy sauce served with boiled yam is also delicious.

Sadly there doesn't seem to be much in the way of Aulacode (or Autiger as it is usually called on menus) in Accra - we tried to order it at an Ivoirian restaurant in Lome but they didn't have any. Apparently it's quite nice. However I did noticed on some long road trips in Benin men standing by the side of the road holding up what looked like dead aulacodes for sale. Yum.
posted by 8k, 1:32 PM


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